Many people don't believe that it's possible to make fifty thousand dollars per month, that's 50,000.00 dollars in one month (30 days).
Before I retired in 2009, I was earning a salary of $50,000.00 a year. Lately I have been thinking about my goal of making $50,000.00 per month and this is what I came up with: In order to make fifty thousand dollars per month, one would have to sell to one thousand people, a product that net them fifty dollars in profit per month.
It is a simple math equation - create more than fifty dollars of wealth in a month for a thousand people and you have $50,000.00 per month. Basically it is all about People Helping People - provide a product or service valued at $50.00 or more to 1000 people and you make $50,000.00.
Success is what you attract by the person you become. If you want more, you must become more. Then, your income will grow. Your income will equal what you think you deserve. Success can be attracted by who and what you are. Think you can provide a product of service that is valued at $50.00 or more to 1000 people and you will discover that product of service.
Making money is about helping other people to be great, to have some form of self-worth.