Friday, November 23, 2012

Making Money on the Internet

The easiest way to make money on the Internet, in my opinion, is to Become an Affiliate - this is also the most convenient way to make money on the Internet. Making money is a mindset that involves everything one thinks, say and do - it is Prosperity Consciousness. The key to earning affiliate income is in choosing your marketing niche.

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Saturday, November 10, 2012

Welcome to a new Term of Office

Welcome President Obama to a new term of office

President Obama is a change agent (a person whose presence or thought processes cause a change from the traditional way of handling or thinking about a problem). He is causing the American people to become aware of their short comings as well as the short comings of America as a nation.

Those who see this and seek to improve the situation, see Obama and his "Change" as being good for the future of the people of the earth. Those who do not wish to face their problems nor the problems of America's stagnant culture - see "Obama Change" as something bad!

Recently, America has seen a lot of change. Some see it as mostly positive while others see it as negative. I am genuinely happy about it all - the positive and the negative view-points.

Sociability, Obama and Business

Sociability is a leader’s inclination to seek out pleasant social relationships. Leaders who show sociability are friendly, outgoing, courteous, tactful, and diplomatic. They are sensitive to others’ needs and show concern for their well-being.

The above comments are excerpts from my site:

Obama: Best thing for the prophetic future of America!