Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Hebraic and Buddhist perspective

Hebraic - of, relating to, or characteristic of the Hebrews or their language or culture, especially the Jews of ancient Israel

Buddhist - philosophical tradition that originated in India and is based on the teachings of the Buddha ... Buddhists believe that everything in life is impermanent and constantly changing

Personally, I see a close connection of the Hebrewism of ancient Israel to the teachings of Buddhism ... The truth that suffering exists, it has a cause, and it has an end, and there is a path to end it.

The path consists of ideals for ethical conduct, mental discipline, and wisdom. The ideals are right understanding, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration. As taught by the Buddha, the Dharma, (the doctrine, or universal truth, that the Buddha proclaimed in his teachings and practices that help people cultivate an enlightened mind) ... through the practice of morality, meditation, and wisdom.

These same principles are taught through the Teachings of Abraham and the Kabbalah. The teachings found in the stories of Abraham the Hebrew, in the Bible, shows that people can make the world a better place by connecting with Elohim (the Powers) of the Universe (YHWH), listening to the message receive, and then taking the proper actions through applied wisdom.

As I see it, the teachings of Abraham the Hebrew can best be understood by studying the teachings of Baruch Spinoza. "A free man thinks of death least of all things, and his wisdom is a meditation not of death but of life."; "Emotion, which is suffering, ceases to be suffering as soon as we form a clear and precise picture of it." - Baruch Spinoza, Ethics

Monday, August 28, 2023



Procrastination usually involves ignoring an unpleasant task even if it is an important task. Sometimes the task is put off in favor of one that is more enjoyable or easier. Thus, Procrastination is an active process which you choose to do something else instead of the task that you know you should be doing.

Symptoms of Procrastination

One of the most common symptoms of procrastination is the fear of a negative or an unknown outcome. If you are overwhelmed by anxiety, you may feel that you are inadequate, or incapable of the task, or that you are a failure. You may put off tasks because you are afraid of not achieving “perfect” results. Or, you may be a perfectionist (a person who refuses to accept any standard short of perfection). You may also fear being criticized.

Personally, I am a perfectionist and I am not afraid of criticism. Usually I am highly critical of the non-perfectionist.

How to recognize That You are Procrastinating

You might be putting off a task because you have had to re-prioritize your workload. If you are briefly delaying an important task for a genuinely good reason, then you are not necessarily procrastinating. However, if you start to put things off indefinitely, or switch focus because you want to avoid doing something, then you are probably procrastinating.

How to Stop Procrastination

Break large tasks into smaller chunks, and pick one that you can do now, so that you are underway towards completing a larger task, almost without realizing it!

1. Make a plan. Put times or dates on the key tasks on your list, so that you know what to concentrate on and when. For example, I started writing this information as soon as we got off the call last week. I was inspired by the brothers suggestion of giving a talk on procastination.

2. Finish the task. When you spot a task that is nearly done, put extra effort into getting it over the line. Do not allow yourself to be tempted to leaving the tasks unfinished: enjoy the satisfaction of completing the job at hand!

Be kind to yourself. No one ever gets to the end of their to-do list! Do your best to meet your life-lines, and celebrate your successes. But be realistic: you will always have more to do than there are hours in the day.

As for me, no job is ever complete, that is, there is always something that can be tweked to make it better, more perfect. I just have to find a good stoping point which can be conceived as finished.

I could carry this subject into a sermon, but this looks like a good stopping point.

So ... Todah and selah

P.S. I am a research writer, I can research and write on just about any topic if someone want something researched and talked about. Just note that I attempt to put things in an unadultrated truth format - not geared towards anyone's established system.


Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Love, the expanded concept

The dictionary usually provide a definition of love that goes something like this; strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties or attraction based on sexual desire : affection and tenderness felt by lovers

I want to explore love from the Hebraic perspective of love. Love is more than the emotion, love generate the emotions - thus, there is more to love than a set of emotions.

A friend of mine once said, "People should have the freedom to love. Obviously there are situations in which the power imbalance can be abused. A moral society should have safeguards to protect the vulnerable."

I agree that people should have the freedom to love. In order for us to help instill that freedom, we need to improve our concepts of love, then increase our conversations on the subject of love. For example: love is more than an emotion.

True love is about the genuine concern for a person's physical, mental, spiritual and emotional well-being. When we see and experience such in ourselves and in others, it should, and often does, create an emotional sense of pleasure. And while there are situations that can diminish that joy and well-being - the intelligence (knowledge of the situation and how to bring things into balance) can and will, empower the human being with the ability cause love to be overt and an acceptable norm of society. These are the bases for a moral society. These are also the safeguards that protect the citizens of this planet and make them to be less vulnerable to situations that would, otherwise, diminish the peace that love brings to humanity.

Another friend shared this with me, {Here's a short acknowledgement from an onlne app titled 'Bible'. Did you know that the word love is used 413 times in what is falsely labelled as the Old Testament? Otoh , it's used in the NT New Testament 223 times." ... "Seems like that "Love" , when focused on another human being (regardless of age or gender)" and that other human has the same feelings of "love'" toward you, then that "Love" controls all of the 'conditions' numbered by the previous posting (included below)....and "Love" brooks no opposition from all the reaches of the intellect.}

Often times when people think that they love each other, they feel as though they are not on the same page. The most common reason for this is a lack of proper communication. A relationship is about showing that you care. Everyone experiences love differently, usually because of how we conceptualize love. I believe that we all can learn to identify the roots of love, give and receive love in more meaningful ways, and grow closer to others than ever before. Your Language of Love, knowing what love is, and how to explain it, can help you use love to connect to others.

Read More articles like this at: Spiritual Life Coaching

Monday, July 5, 2021

Spiritual tolerance

Spiritual tolerance, basically, is the practice of loving and accepting people as they are.

Often times people can, inaccurately, believe that others should believe the same way as they do, or follow the same spiritual path that they are following.

In actuality, we all need to follow our own spiritual path. No two paths are exactually the same. Some may join a spiritual comunity, some call it a religion, but, within that community, no one is following the exact same spiritual path because we all have to walk our own unique path to enlightenment.

We may have a favorite color, lets say blue. Another person may like red. One day we may have on a blue shirt and another person may have on a red shirt - we do not say anything that would cause them to become down in spirit. In most cases, we do not critize the other person for wearing a different color shirt than we do. If we see a person wearing our favorite color, we might compliment them on their color choice and uplift their spirit.

The same should be with any other spiritual practice. Always be found uplifting the spirit of others. We just may find that we have a lot in common to share along our spiritual journey.

Sherwood Lummus

Friday, March 18, 2016

Freedom: unbridled

As a 19 year old, flying a million dollar war bird in Vietnam - (101st Airborne Division ("Screaming Eagles")) attributed to the American Bald Eagle - a bird that does not group in packs, I had unbridled Freedom to do whatever my mind lead me to do, as I patrolled the skies, usually a single ship, hunting any thing that wasn't suppose to be in my area of operations - I was a free spirit, governed by my own desires.

I was aware of my freedom then, and, while I don't miss war nor Vietnam, that same sense of freedom don't exist in everyday life.

 Freedom is only seen as limited when one is in a situation that is outside their comfort zone.

Sherwood Lummus

Huey pilot - Vietnam: My Aviation Story

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Advantage of being a SFI Affiliate

There is an advantage to being an affiliate in a well established company.

This type of business is called affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing provide many benefits for both the affiliate and the
parent company. Today, we will deal mostly with the benefits of being an

For the parent company, affiliate marketing has become one of the most
effective ways to market on line. For the affiliate, it is one of the easiest
ways to get into business and make money online.

Affiliate marketing is a win-win situation; the parent company, i.e. SFI in
this case, gets a larger advertising base, and you as an affiliate gets the
benefit of a well established company's products and marketing materials.

For the affiliate, it is fairly easy to get links to banners and text ads, post
them in various advertising media and receive a commission. There is little or
no product cost and joining is free. You can work at home to increase your
income, either as a sideline business or as a full time income.

If you would like to know more about the benefits of affiliate marketing
just respond to this message with questions and or comments. I will answer
your questions in an email as well as posting more information on the subject
in the next newsletter.

SFI stands for Strong Future International, it is a top-rated Affiliate Program
with SFI Marketing Group

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mothers Day reflections

Honoring Women on Mothers' Day

Anna Jarvis, the founder of Mothers' Day, did not like the commercialism of Mothers' Day.

"Mother's Day is a personal, family and memorial day. It’s a celebration for sons and daughters; a thanks and offering for the blessings of good homes." - Anna Jarvis, Miami Daily News interview 1924.

Mothers' Day: although its a special day to honor mothers, I would like to point out that its a great time to reflect upon the great things that all women do to make life worth living.

Begin each day with a special thought for the millions of women, mothers or not, who may be starting their days in very different ways - keep them in your hopes and prayers - and do whatever you can to ensure that young girls are able to grow into great women.

Thanks for reading this, I know its off the usual path of business, but I have always had a great love for the well-being of women and children world-wide. I pray you don't mind me taking this time, to promote well wishes for women all around the global communities.

I have been away from home, in my country and in other countries, and there were always some women there who nurtured me with a mother's love and made me feel taken care of - showing me how to do things to take care of myself --

Happy Mother's day to my mother and all the wonderful women around this planet.