Honoring Women on Mothers' Day
Anna Jarvis, the founder of Mothers' Day, did not like the commercialism of Mothers' Day.
"Mother's Day is a personal, family and memorial day. It’s a celebration for sons and daughters; a thanks and offering for the blessings of good homes." - Anna Jarvis, Miami Daily News interview 1924.
Mothers' Day: although its a special day to honor mothers, I would like to point out that its a great time to reflect upon the great things that all women do to make life worth living.
Begin each day with a special thought for the millions of women, mothers or not, who may be starting their days in very different ways - keep them in your hopes and prayers - and do whatever you can to ensure that young girls are able to grow into great women.
Thanks for reading this, I know its off the usual path of business, but I have always had a great love for the well-being of women and children world-wide. I pray you don't mind me taking this time, to promote well wishes for women all around the global communities.
I have been away from home, in my country and in other countries, and there were always some women there who nurtured me with a mother's love and made me feel taken care of - showing me how to do things to take care of myself --
Happy Mother's day to my mother and all the wonderful women around this planet.
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