The best way to get referrals, not necessarily the easiest, is to search out and find the places to advertise that match the type of business you desire to promote. And, if possible, find several places that has a good amount of new people joining. Your advertisement should be interesting enough to cause people to want to know more about your offer.
Think of what you have questions about, find the answer or solutions to these questions and share the solution with others.
Write a 100 to 300 word essay about your site and publish it in other publications. Look at the subject of your site and do a lot of research on it. Write about what you think people may wish to learn that others have not written about on the subject.
Post the essay in newsletters and blogs that allow guess articles and bylines. Many Traffic Exchanges are free to join and have a Forum inwhich you can post tips and helpful information. They always have a link to your website already and they are usually indexed by search engines.
Writing to the forum of several good traffic exchanges, blogs and newsgroups should bring you a lot of visitors and signups if you have a list you are promoting. That is, if you do good research and offer some good information.
Do a search on the internet for social media sites that match the topic of your web site. Get to know the people and let them get to know you. Post a lot of relevant content to the social media about the same or related topics of your site and people will check out your site and some will join.
I get a lot of referrals from Linkreferral in the business opportunity making money section because that is what my site is about. On my site, I also tell people how to advertise their product or service to the right people.
Simple Marketing Methods
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